Mission, Goals & Objectives


Cosmos seeks to be a multifaceted platform through which creatives can amplify their effects in the world and refine themselves as humans and artists. Our real purpose or mission is to fulfill the needs of our members, however we (the members) define and undertake to tackle those needs. How that looks could include the following tacticsโ€ฆ.

  • Foster a vibrant intentional community of practitioners, bonded through relationships and social norms derived from a culture of mindfulness, equity, mutuality, etc.โ€”in part through intensive dialogic, collaborative and praxis processes.
  • Provide a suite of services for members/cultural producers–requested, incubated and built by the community of members–that deliver various supports and services throughout the full lifecycle of a creative production (see: Business Plan: Five Pillars)
  • Provide avenues for meaningful and rewarding employment through Cosmos
  • Provide a decentralized platform marketplace as well as discursive and collaborative spaces in which members can autonomously exchange or acquire money, goods, services and ideas; coordinate themselves into projects; and participate in organizational governance and upkeep.
  • Influence broader culture toward more regenerative, cooperative and futuristic planetary designs through Cosmosโ€™ innovations, partnerships, brand & activities

Goals of Business Activities

The intended result of the business activities is to 1) support, incubate, produce and publish works of integral creative genius to influence culture and society, 2) increase the measures of social, economic and cultural/intellectual capital owned by/in control of our constituent member-users.

Cosmos interprets its purpose in any of the following activities made available through the platform:

  • Providing livelihoods for its members
  • Connecting members to a) one another in generative combinations, b) fortuitous collaborative and economic opportunities
    • Through community guide interactions, the marketplace, job board, etc.
  • Enabling resources to flow to our membersโ€™ creative projects
    • to raise money and in-kind support
    • to recruit collaborators
    • to build an audience
  • Providing a platform and a suite of app/โ€œplug-inโ€ services for creative expression and critical engagement
  • Developing a social environment (norms, practices, systems) and technological systems and interfaces that are conducive to intensive, compassionate discourse
  • Providing utilities and interfaces optimized for creative project management (Visiboard), for improving usersโ€™ work-life-art balance (โ€œenoughnessโ€ feature), for self-reflection and self-actualization processes(dashboard dials & scheduled prompts from mindfulAI), for discovery of appropriate and challenging opportunities, to build usersโ€™ skill sets, to build relationships with inspiring peers, to receive feedback and support from a community of peers, etc.
  • Creating a more fulfilling social media/digital experience, adaptable to peopleโ€™s authentic needs and aspirations for such spaces

An overarching goal is to create an autopoietic organization, comprised of our communityโ€™s aspirations, intersecting with aligned partners, and intuitively integrated with and enriching of usersโ€™ lives. Founded on best practices, strong principles and innovative thinking, and constantly evolving, Cosmos would be a playground for visionary creatives to wield their individual and collective power in a mutually-valorizing framework.