How Can We Emerge from Polarization? A Language Workshop for Future Humans

15 Jun 2024 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm MDT
Longmont Public Media 457 4th Ave, Longmont, CO, 80501

We use language daily, and language uses us. We use it to free ourselves; it constrains us. We use it to change the world; it keeps the status quo. How can we tell new stories if we have to use the same old assumptions–the ones we donโ€™t know we have?

This FREE workshop will help us push the boundaries of language, not just to use it creatively but to consider creating new foundations for language.

WHY?: We canโ€™t keep trying to solve the problems we created using the same mindset we created them with. The mindset we use, are using, is built into the language we use. Itโ€™s like trying to fix a leaky pipe by using a tool that creates more leaks!

WHO IS IT FOR? Anyone interested in languageโ€”whether as a writer, a linguist, a conlanger, or a quantum physicist.

Lisa Maroski is an author, editor, and speaker. She loves paradox and questions that engage imagination. Her new book Embracing Paradox, Evolving Language: Expressing the Unity and Complexity of Integral Consciousness was published by Untimely Books. Lisa lives in California.

Learn more about Embracing Paradox, Evolving Language at